
We’re collecting photographs, posters and memorie of Dudley.

If you have any you would like to share that show a moment in time we’d love to see them.

You can email here.

Growing up in Dudley collage .png

Growing Up In Dudley

Submit your photographs of growing up in Dudley to help preserve, share and celebrate the town’s subcultures.

Youth culture and fashion has always been a great incentive for creativity, self expression and connecting communities.

Send us your pictures of growing up in Dudley to celebrate and connect the past to future generations.

Find out more about our Growing Up In Dudley project here.


Martin Parr at Teddy Gray’s Sweet factory documentary

Magnum photographer Martin Parr returns to working with moving images in this wonderfully engaging documentary about Teddy Gray’s sweet factory in Dudley.


Music in Dudley


We’ve been collecting posters, set lists, programmes and album covers of events that took place in Dudley. Did you save your tickets or brochures from a show at the Hippodrome or JBs?

You can send scans of photos of your tickets here:

Postcards from Dudley.


There are some wonderful images of Dudley gone by…



We’ve found some lovely posters from shows at The Hippodrome - it really was the place to go!